Odbc driver 11 for sql server login failed for user
Odbc driver 11 for sql server login failed for user


Note: It contains the address (and port) of the server to contact, the driver that should be used while connecting to the remote server and the user id and password of the remote server. TraceDll=/usr/local/dbi/odbc/merant360/lib/ Sas_grp=SAS_Group SQLServer 2000 driver(available for write access)ĭriver=/sasapp/SAS_8.2/SQL_ODBC/lib/ is the general section for the odbc driverĪ very simple file of the odbc.ini file looks like: contains the different names of the DSNs and specifies the connect is the section that contains all the available DSNs. The prerequisite for the odbc driver to connect to the the server is the The alias for the description of the server is called:Data Source Name (=DSN).Then the driver reads the information from the odbc.ini file according to the specified DSN and connects to the server. It is located by default in the ODBC_HOME directory, but can be placed anywhere you like it.Ī side note how odbc works: The odbc driver (nothing else than a library) gets a request to connect to a server described in the odbc.ini file. The odbc.ini file is similar to an address book for the odbc driver. HS_FDS_SHAREABLE_NAME points to the ODBC Driver Manager library at HS_FDS_CONNECT_INFO points to the ODBC DSN configured # Environment variables required for the non-Oracle system Set ODBCINI=/sasapp/SAS_8.2/SQL_ODBC/odbc.ini HS_FDS_SHAREABLE_NAME = /sasapp/SAS_8.2/SQL_ODBC/lib/ # This is a sample agent init file that contains the HS parameters that are

odbc driver 11 for sql server login failed for user

The file is located at $ORACLE_HOME/hs/admin. The SID is also relevant for the init.ora file of the gateway. Hostname contains the hostname where odbc driver is installed rather the host name to which we want to connect. Remove this entries from your tnsnames.ora file!The (HS=OK) parameter must be outside the SID section and specifies that this connector uses the Oracle Heterogeneous Service Option. This key word mustīe added manually and opening the Net Configuration Assistants might Note: the important entry is the (HS=OK) key word. Settings Required for the tnsnames.ora file:

odbc driver 11 for sql server login failed for user

ORACLE_HOME contains the home from which where we are trying to connect Note: We have to restart the listener after this settings. (PROGRAM = hsodbc) - >#This will tell we are using a heterogeneous service to connect to the sql server # Settings Required for the listener.ora file: (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = localhost)(PORT = 1522))Ĭreating a database link from Oracle DB to MS SQL is not similar as creating a DB from ORACLE to ORACLE database. (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=localhost)(PORT = 1522)) (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = IPC)(KEY = EXTPROC_FOR_XE)) (ORACLE_HOME = C:\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\10.2.0\server) Here is the info how I created this database link: ORA-02063: preceding 2 lines from CORE_LINKĪccording to the MS SQL its a state 8 error which means its the wrong password, but I am 100% sure I create the databaselink with the correct password ( and yes the username and password are with quotes ). Login failed for user 'CaesarCOREReader'. But whenever I try to use the database link to connect I get the following error: I can connect to the MS SQL database with the user name and password provided. I made the System DSN in the ODBC as I did on the other machine and it showed that I was able to get connected. Now I wanted to create another db-link from my XE-database on my own machine to the same MS SQL database. I have a 11g database on a machine who is linked to the MS SQL database using a DB-link.

odbc driver 11 for sql server login failed for user

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  • Odbc driver 11 for sql server login failed for user